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As soon as I started thinking about writing a post about what a mild and growth inducing winter this has been I noticed the forecast is for colder temperatures and possibly even snow. Just when I was gloating that my lantana might actually winter over where I planted it last year…Now that I’m writing I will knock on wood and hope that the cold snap will be short and then our temperate winter will continue. What got me to thinking about the mild weather was the abundance of flowers that are blooming in the garden.

Here are some photos of what’s in bloom for January 2012:

My ever faithful, always lovely Arbutus unedo.

Arbutus Unedo – Strawberry Bush

Calendula is the cheery champion self-sower.

Calendula or Pot Marigold

Chaenomeles is embarrassed that he came a little too early to the party. None of the other flowers are there yet.

Chaenomeles superba “Hollandia”

Hellebore is the shady lady with the glowing, creamy complection.

Helleborus x ballardia “Cinnamon Snow”

Hamamelis Mollis in the horizontal sunlight we have in the wintery Pacific Northwest. If you smell something fragrant in the garden right now it’s probably Chinese Witch Hazel.

Hamamelis Mollis – Chinese Witch Hazel

Just getting to know Daphne Bholua…this is the first year I’ll see it bloom. It’s a tall form of daphne that should grow to seven or eight feet high. I think the hummingbirds will like it.

Daphne Bholua (buds ready to open)

Also in bloom: Arbutus Marina, Camellia Sasanqua, Cistus (Rock Rose), Coreopsis, Day Lily (huge unopened buds), Roses, Snapdragons

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