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Basic Lemon Herb Sauce 
(see also Quick Provencal Sauce)
Makes ¾ cup, or 3-4 Servings

Sauteed Cod with Basic Lemon Herb Sauce

If you want Heidi’s Hints about cooking fresh fish and seafood click here.


Juice from half fresh lemon (about 2-3 tbs)
2 tbs. finely chopped peeled shallot or scallion (separate green from white)
3 tbs. extra virgin olive oil
½ cup dry white wine
1 drop Chinese Chili paste or 5-6 flakes dehydrated red pepper flakes
3 tbs. finely chopped fresh Italian parsley (or fresh basil, tarragon, sorrel, marjoram, thyme)
1 tbs. unsalted butter, cold
Salt to taste


  1. Put lemon juice, shallot (or white part of scallion) and salt in a small sauce pan. Heat to a low simmer and cook for 5 minutes.
  2. If you use a scallion, add the green part along with 2 tbs. parsley and cook for 2 minutes more. Taste and correct seasoning with salt if necessary. Stir in butter until it melts. Remove from heat and cover loosely until fish is ready to serve.
  3. Add the butter, let it melt and stir to blend.

  4. To serve: ladle over cooked fish or seafood and scatter remaining parsley over the sauce as garnish.

For Fresh Tomato Sauce:
Peel and seed a fresh tomato. Dice and add with its juice to the Basic Lemon Herb Sauce at the time you add the fresh herbs.

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