Chaenomeles x superba “Hollandia” is a hybrid of Chaenomeles japonica and Chaenomeles speciosa. Read all about flowering quince here.

Photo by Ella Schwab

Photo by Ella Schwab
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As I was wrapping things up in the garden in September I remembered that I had wanted to add some variety of red peony to the south side. Fragrance is a priority for me so I was trying to choose … Continue reading →
Muscari, commonly known as Grape Hyacinth, is in the same family as asparagus (Asparagaceae). The name Muscari comes from the Greek word for musk. I have never noticed that they have much more than a green, earthy scent. Maybe their … Continue reading →
Let’s just be honest. Nobody is growing Chinese paper bush for its looks. A few may enjoy its umbrella like habit, or its foliage that is gray green on the bottom and a darker green on the top. The yellow … Continue reading →
Chaenomeles x superba “Hollandia” is a hybrid of Chaenomeles japonica and Chaenomeles speciosa. Read all about flowering quince here.
Photo by Ella Schwab
Photo by Ella Schwab