As a rule, I’ve never wanted art in my garden that is made of metal.  Maybe it’s the influence of studying Feng Shui or maybe it’s the rust.  Whatever it is, this piece by Denny Croston is now the exception to the rule. When I saw it I just had to stop and covet it.

Spirit Totem by Denny Croston

I’ve wanted a totem pole for my garden ever since I moved to my current home, but of course I’ve been thinking of carved and painted wood. The scale of it is perfect for a not too big garden like mine. I love that it is made by from salvaged metal. If I had $2500.00 to spend on art right now it would be mine.

Since I can’t have it I suppose I might as well share where I found it with you and you can go take a look. If you want to know more about Denny Croston watch this video.