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I surreptitiously took these pictures of the meat case at my local QFC.

Private Reserve Veal at QFC

Here is an interesting case of the grocery store wanting to look like the farmers market and to subliminally suggest to you that the quality of these meats is going to be similar to those you can purchase at the farmers market.


Private Reserve Veal and Lamb at QFC

The following cuts are offered under the QFC’s Private Reserve label: veal loin chop, Veal for stew meat, cubed veal steak, veal shoulder chop, veal shank, veal for osso bucco, lamb loin chop, lamb foreshank, leg of lamb, leg of lamb steaks.


Private Reserve Lamb Foreshanks and Leg of Lamb at QFC

I shop at QFC quite a bit and have never noticed these cuts before in the case. The cuts of meat are shrink wrapped over a brown (reminiscent of brown paper?) more “natural” looking plastic sheet background. I should clarify that I mean it’s more natural looking than the styrofoam meat tray with the little soaker pad under the meat. The legs and shanks are shrink wrapped and encased in an “authentic” mesh as if they were just butchered and put out for your consumption. Hmmm…



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