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Sunflowers on the south side. There are 9 of them.

Sunflowers on the south side. There are 9 of them.

It’s been a great year for those hot weather plants like sunflowers, just as I predicted. I planted nine mammoth sunflowers on the south side of the house near the sidewalk. They are on the dragon side.

Mammoth Sunflower with Bee Visitor

Mammoth Sunflower with Bee Visitor

Mammoth Sunflower Opening

Mammoth Sunflower Opening

Sunflowers are a great example of the the yang wood (Jia) element and how it works. They grow giant sized woody trunks in a short amount of time, all the energy thrusting upward until it blooms. If you’ve grown them before then you know that once they get going it’s not the water that makes them grow – it’s the sun. The yang fire (Bing) element is what makes them so tall.

Eleven foot tall sunflower hasn't opened yet

Eleven foot tall sunflower hasn’t opened yet

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