The blooms of Helleborus x sternii Blackthorn group reminding me what a great year 2014 was in the garden. Expect much the same for 2015.
Category Archives: Photos
Invasion of the Mushrooms!
The weather this fall must be perfect for fungus! We had a long dry spell, followed by warmish days with record high night time temperatures, followed by copious amounts of rain. Now there mushrooms are everywhere – just look down and you’ll see them. All of these photos were taken in my south Seattle neighborhood.
I don’t have the experience or training to identify the mushrooms in this post. Please don’t forage and eat mushrooms unless you know what you’re doing. Some are highly toxic.

Photo by Pete Schwab
Chinese Celery

Chinese Celery
Chinese celery is a wilder, more intensely flavored variety of celery which is used like an herb in Asian cooking. Both the leaves and stems are used.